By Wendy Plump
Department of Chemistry

Monday, Mar. 20, 2023

When Connor MacNeil first came to Princeton Chemistry in the fall of 2019 as a Visiting Student Research Collaborator (from the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada), he worked with the Chirik Lab. Those four months with Chirik—“He is a P.I. I would have followed to Alaska”—were not enough for MacNeil, so he returned in the fall of 2020 to pursue postdoctoral work. Today, MacNeil looks forward to a new post in discovery process chemistry at Merck after a formative career at Princeton Chemistry. On the eve of his departure, here are MacNeil’s thoughts on the academic experience.

Your next step is with Merck?

Yes, I’m taking on a new role in the Discovery Process Chemistry (DPC) group at Merck, West Point, PA. The group operates at the interface of discovery chemistry, or medicinal chemistry and process chemistry. I’m working at an early point in the drug development pipeline and thinking about how to develop processes that can be scaled up for clinical studies …

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